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What to do in Mycenae

The Cyclopean Walls

According to myth, Perseus, the founder of Mycenae, commissioned Cyclopses – huge, one-eyed mythical creatures from Asia Minor – to build the walls. Hence their name.

Lion Gate

A symbol of the power of the Mycenaean Kingdom, it’s perfectly symmetrical and unique in Europe. The main entrance to the citadel of Mycenae dates from about 1250 BC. The monument is named after the relief sculpture of two lionesses that stands above the entrance. As yet, nobody has discovered how it was constructed. So why not stick with the Cyclopses theory?

The Mask of Agamemnon

Five gold-plated masks were discovered in Mycenae by the renowned archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who excavated this citadel because he believed Homer’s stories. He was convinced he’d discovered the remains of King Agamemnon and named his historical findings after the famous king. More recent studies revealed that the masks were from 1500-1550 BC, nearly three centuries before Agamemnon supposedly lived. However, the name remained and the findings can now be viewed in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens.

Tomb of the House of Atreus

One of the largest and best preserved of the famous vaulted beehive tombs found in Mycenae. Since the time of the traveller and geographer Pausanias, the inhabitants of the area knew that this monument was the “treasure” of King Atreus, and today it is still known as the Treasury of Atreus, or Tomb of Agamemnon. It was looted before Pausanias got to it and for centuries before that, shepherds used it as a refuge.

The Archaeological Museum of Mycenae

The exhibition is divided into four distinct sections. You’ll learn about the history, life and activities of the Mycenaeans, their burial customs and their use of space.

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